Maria Schoettler
Maria Schoettler (Artist & Illustrator)

MOHEIM OWN STORY by Maria Schoettler, nature-loving artist and illustrator.
Never afraid to incorporate “colors” into her life, she chose COLOR DROPS.
Photo by @thefutureprimitive
—— How do you get inspiration to create your works normally?
Nature is my favorite inspiration and subject. Just paying attention to what’s happening outside with each new season gives me a lot to work with.
—— Any favorite thing/area of your home? How do you like it most ?
I love our living room with its big windows that look out to our garden of mostly native plants and trees. I love our garden too. We grow vegetables and flowers for each season. I look forward to the pops of color each season brings.
—— How do you choose your interior items for your home?
I’m a collector. I’m drawn to old or handmade things with character. I’m not afraid of color and I love little details. The house we are in now has many built-in shelves and I love to fill them with unique things I’ve found.
—— And it was COLOR DROPS that you welcomed into your home.
I was immediately taken by how beautiful the vases were. The color, texture and sheer delicateness of them delighted me. The little COLOR DROPS are so charming! I love the scale of them— perfect for little buds from our garden. The glazed rim at the opening also caught my eye, such a nice detail.
—— Anything you would expect for Moheim new item/collection?
I always enjoy color! Lots of folks seem afraid of bringing in the “wrong” color but I’m not so sure that exists. It’s all about what it’s paired with. I don’t want to oversaturate my space, but the pops of color are pops of joy if you ask me. I hope Moheim finds a way to bring in fresh color to their new collection.
Maria Schoettler
Maria Schoettler (pronounced Shett-ler) is an artist, illustrator, trail-walker, flower-stalker, farmers’ market sweetheart, and fairweather botanist currently based out of Monterey, California.