• Award
    Featured in the award yearbook “GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2022”.

    Featured in the award yearbook “GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2022”.

  • News
    MOHEIM OWN STORIES Vol.13 has been updated.

    New MOHEIM OWN STORIES, “Vol.13 Genta Narita” have been released on the page of “STORIES” on our website.

  • Pop up Store
    MOHEIM will participate in PASS THE BATON MARKET Vol.11.

    MOHEIM will participate in PASS THE BATON MARKET Vol.11 which will be held from April 15th to 16th.

  • Media
    PEN TRAY is introduced on “MdN Design Interactive” website.

    PEN TRAY (white swan, white rabbit) is featured in the “Wooden Products Special” on MdN, which distributes information on design, lifestyle, and culture for aspiring designers and those interested in design.
    Photo by ©YUKO CHIBA

  • News
    The limited collaboration items of NICOLAI BERGMANN.

    The limited collaboration items of NICOLAI BERGMANN HAKONE GARDENS × MOHEIM has been released.

  • News
    MOHEIM + minä perhonen Special Collaboration Model of LINDEN BOX

    MOHEIM is pleased to announce the release of the MOHEIM + minä perhonen special collaboration model of “LINDEN BOX” on March 11.

  • Media
    MUG and PLATE are introduced on the extra issue of “TENNEN SEIKATSU”

    STONEARE MUG and PLATE are introduced on the extra issue of “TENNEN SEIKATSU”

  • Products
    TISSUE COVER has renewed.

    MOHEIM has renewed the “TISSUE COVER” and will release it on March 3, 2023

  • Pop up Store
    MOHEIM's POP UP at “+S” Spiral Market Yokohama.

    A limited pop-up store will be held from February 13th to March 12th, 2023 at “+S” Spiral Market Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse.

  • Media
    COLOR DROPS is introduced on “GINZA” March 2023 issue.

    COLOR DROPS is featured in the March 2023 issue of “GINZA” in the “Interior topics” feature.